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February 19, 2025
Purses and Plans from Quilting Studio Adventures

In January I made a commitment to make 12 Sew Powerful purses a month.  And here are mine for February.   Notice the top row, 2nd one. I’m used the curtain material for the flap and strap,  I think I’ll do more next month.  And just as I was finishing these, a flap of friendship arrived from Shannon Greene in Oklahoma.  A perfect baker’s dozen! 

Meanwhile, my guild has started three new bees.  I loved participating in the last one when I made The Piano Tuner’s Daughter quilt.  I am using this new bee to repeat this ...

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March 4, 2024
Purses and Trips Around the World from Quilting Studio Adventures

Preface:  As the rhythm of my life changes, so do my blogging habits.  I am sewing more than ever but apparently only doing a blog post a month.  Sometimes I get so caught up in quilting projects that purses take a back seat.  I'm happy to announce that I have gotten past my purse block.  Several of these purses were made before Christmas, and they have just been waiting to be mailed.  I finally got busy and made several more.  

So many of these purses were inspired by the scraps I had at hand.  And since I've been ...

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June 14, 2023
No Longer a Covid Virgin… from Quilting Studio Adventures

I can't believe it.  After being pretty careful for so long - including removing ourselves from  family Christmas 2020 and excluding two grandsons Christmas 2021 - I got Covid.  No, I don't know where or how.  And it wasn't horrible - really a bad cold sort of thing and maybe a bit low on energy.  But I did not feel like sewing at all.  So these six purses were really a push to get back into the swing of things.  And we just got back from Atlanta - we had to check our daughter Julie's new house.  We listened to ...

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April 21, 2023
Reclaiming Normal from Quilting Studio Adventures

I often joke about how making purses for Sew Powerful help me get my head out of my ass.  But it is so true.  With my brother's last few weeks on earth, the calendar and days of the week just melded into one sad period of time.  But his wonderful funeral and knowing he is at peace have helped time resume its normal pace.  And yes, the making of purses are an integral part of how I grieve. 
But so is my hand-quilting.  In the previous post you see the quilt I was working on during the days leading ...

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December 23, 2022
In the bleak midwinter - correction from Quilting Studio Adventures

My mom died 9 years ago December 22.  It was actually 8 years ago, not 9.  I had to admit to all three sibs I was wrong.  Her death was welcomed and peaceful.  I remember spending the next few weeks adding stitches to the quilt I was working on - and at that point  I was still an emerging hand quilter.  And now at this time of year in these deeply dark and cold days, I find hand stitching so comforting.  A week ago I started adding stitches to this quilt.  Its owner says this quilt top is 90 years old ...

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November 12, 2022
Guild Retreat from Quilting Studio Adventures


To state the obvious, our guild hasn't met much in person for the past two years.  There was a retreat last spring, but participation was determined by a lottery.  And I didn't get in.  But the recent retreat was held at a hotel near O'Hare and participation was not limited.  I've been feeling a bit disconnected from the guild and my mates.  And this retreat took care of that feeling.  So good to reconnect with the oldies and meet some of the newbies. 
Guild retreats mean unbridled sewing.  Instead of 6 hours a day, one may ...

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July 16, 2022
Guess I’m down to One Blog Post a Month from Quilting Studio Adventures


Good news:  our house projects in the kitchen and bathroom are over!  The painters just left today.  Bad news:  there's been a lot of turmoil locally, nationally, and internationally.  But the good news?  I sew a lot when I'm agitated.  And my soul has needed a lot of soothing.  This table runner has been a wonderful diversion.  Its a combination of hand and machine quilting and based on an Instagram post by @tygeroting.  I captured the spirit of their work and must let them know.  

This table runner is batted with Insulbright, the product used for hot pads ...

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December 18, 2021
Mid December from Quilting Studio Adventures


This wall hanging is 3' x 4' and intended to be the first of a four seasons series for the dining room fireplace.  I do think this is a lovely tribute to autumn but will also admit it's odd. The hand quilting has created a wonderful texture.  But as I thought about above the fireplace, this just wouldn't work there yet.  But look how great it looks in the kitchen.  That wall has been pretty bare, so I've taped this up just to see whether it belongs here.  And I think it does!

Meanwhile during the day ...

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December 6, 2021
Yikes, how did it get to be December? from Quilting Studio Adventures


In all the flurry of November and my trip to Santa Fe and out of towners for Thanksgiving, I continued to sew, just without blogging.  I’m utterly thrilled with a quilt I just finished, but I’ll do an entry tomorrow about this quilt.  It is just too special for a little mention.  The Santa Fe trip was wonderful.  The landscape of this area is intriguing.  It’s so unfamiliar to me.  The clarity of air is noticeable.  So is the aridity and the elevation.  

Our first Thanksgiving in Oak Brook was a good one - we had 8 around ...

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February 8, 2021
2021 Sew Powerful Purses from Quilting Studio Adventures


Here are my first seven purses for Sew Powerful's 2021 goal.  A guild mate gave me a terrific but odd piece of Marimekko fabric, perfect for straps (each one is 4" x 55" - that's a lot of fabric) and the purse back and fronts.  I have had a couple of odd fabrics that haven't played with anything else in my stash - maybe because I bought them in Kenya - but they love this Marimekko print.  I think these are gorgeous.

My purse rhythm is changing.  Last year I devoted 2 months to doing a purse a day, the ...

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January 1, 2021
December: A Purse A Day from Quilting Studio Adventures


What works for me is to devote the studio to purses for a month at a time.  Each purse has 11 pieces, most of which are interfaced.  So to do the same step several times makes the best use of my time.  With this batch I used some leftover pieces that I was experimenting with and some leftover bits from other projects.  But best of all, for me, are fabrics with text.  I’m not sure whether the girls in Lusaka, Zambia, like this.  But I am confident that we are making something to suit everyone’s taste.  Sew Powerful ...

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October 3, 2020
On Its Way to Oregon from Quilting Studio Adventures


Look how nicely this quilt turned out!  Quilty Eileen made a quilt from this pattern years ago - it's a clever way to make hexies without using Y seams.  I had a Layer Cake of the Moda Thrive fabrics and think it creates a pretty palette.  I didn't have quite enough but was able to fill with with fabrics from my stash.  As I made this quilt top, I loved it.  But then I fell out of love.  You know, one of those "Somebody's gonna love this quilt - it just won't be me."  

Because I no longer ...

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August 25, 2020
Five Purple Sister/Purses from Quilting Studio Adventures

                                             Big graphic prints work well for the flaps of these cross-body bags.  And under each flap there's a surprise fabric,  And in each purse there's a surprise pocket.

The past of this process that slows me down are the notecards that go into each purse.  We purse makers hear that the girls treasure these cards as much as the purses and the contents.  That puts a special pressure on the notecards.

So I am working my way through, thanks to some fellow purse makers in the Sew Powerful Facebook page, creating some meaningful cards.  More on that later ...

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August 18, 2020
Finding my Purse Mojo from Quilting Studio Adventures


                          Purse Mojo is back.  But Blogger is weird.  hmmmm

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August 17 and right on my purse target! from Quilting Studio Adventures

 After months of limited sewing, it feels so good to be productive.  July for the past couple of years has been a purse a day.  But this year I needed to wait until August.  So far, so good.  The latest set of five features this whimsical yet motivational fabric “I can and I will.” 

                              And here's m progress so far.  I love my design wall as it fills up.  
                                                    Next up?  Purples and Rainbow colors.

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August 7, 2020
August: A Purse a Day from Quilting Studio Adventures

I've finally gotten started with purses for Sew Powerful again. It's been 6 months since I have made any, and it feels good to look outward and get back into the swing of charitable sewing. It's going well except for calling the lovely giraffes on three of these purses. Covid brain? Whatever...

As I sew I think of the young ladies who will choose one of these purses - educated women are the hope of Zambia and Africa.  I also think of those in my life who are facing severe medical hardships.  After six months of focusing on ...

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  • sewpowerful purses
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